In Hosea 4:6 God says, “My people perish from lack of knowledge.” The purpose of the study of the “Son of God and the sons of God” is to put believers and nonbelievers in a place where those who are seeking God can be taught by the Holy Spirit to walk in the Spirit by the Spirit. It is the only way God can gain what He was seeking from before creation—a place where His will is done on earth as it is done in heaven--by those in whom He is transforming into His very likeness. The place would be the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth, and its citizens would be spiritually begotten sons of God. They would be the ones Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son, the Word of God Incarnate, came to gain for His Father. It is the work in the sons of men that could only be accomplished through His Son’s life, His death, His resurrection, His ascension, and His Father’s gift, the Holy Spirit, whose power fulfills all that God has promised He would do in those who become new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Indeed, they would be the ones who are the overcomers, who do greater things than did Jesus (John 14:12); for while He was on earth, the sons of men could not partake of the divine nature whereby they escape the corruption in the world through the Father’s very great and precious promises (2 Peter 2:3-4) made only to those who would become His begotten sons. Thus, it is through these promises that the sons of God can finally grow up into Him who is the Head as they are taken from glory unto glory. How different this new life in Christ would be, for try as they might to be free from the chains of sin, they could not until Christ came to destroy the devil’s works whereby they were set free to be all that God intends for His spiritually begotten sons to be. (Note: throughout the study, spiritually begotten sons of God is meant to include both male and female.)
The study, which is divided into seven semesters, covers every verse in the four Gospels in likely chronological order, while incorporating numerous verses from the Old Testament as well as verses from the remaining books of the New Testament. Through it all, may the Holy Spirit continually reveal that nothing from the Old Testament could be perfectly fulfilled until the Word became flesh and that nothing in the additional writings of Paul, Peter, Luke, John and James can be fulfilled expect through the power of the Holy Spirit. May those who go forward in the study pray without ceasing for unwavering faith to believe that what God has promised to do in His spiritually begotten sons, He will do, though Satan continues to say, “...Did God really say...” (Genesis 3:1).
The study, which is divided into seven semesters, covers every verse in the four Gospels in likely chronological order, while incorporating numerous verses from the Old Testament as well as verses from the remaining books of the New Testament. Through it all, may the Holy Spirit continually reveal that nothing from the Old Testament could be perfectly fulfilled until the Word became flesh and that nothing in the additional writings of Paul, Peter, Luke, John and James can be fulfilled expect through the power of the Holy Spirit. May those who go forward in the study pray without ceasing for unwavering faith to believe that what God has promised to do in His spiritually begotten sons, He will do, though Satan continues to say, “...Did God really say...” (Genesis 3:1).